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Bon vent Claude Goretta

Claude Goretta directed The Invitationin 1973. For the filmmaker Lionel Baier, this feature film is a « travel companion movie » according to Serge Daney’s expression. The young filmmaker goes to Geneva to ask his elder about the sound effect of the water jet and how it was made for the film, why one must pay attention to details or how to frame a great actor like François Simon. And to understand how all this works, Lionel Baier reproduces scenes from Pas si méchant que ça, La dentellière, or Jean-Luc Persécuté. This meeting leads one of the greatest swiss filmmaker to confide with modesty about his life’s work including more than 30 films.

Bande à part Films
Rue Mauborget 6
CH – 1003 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 311 90 34

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